GraphQL API v2
Migrates your newsletters to GraphQL API v2. 🚀
Why GraphQL API v2
The v1 was designed when Sirius GraphQL API didn't exist. Today it is easier for a developer to use the same API everywhere.
Sirius GraphQL Newsletter API v2 is an extension of Sirius GraphQL API. It means that everything accessible on the Sirius GraphQL API is accessible in addition to some special fields like metadata
, articlesArea
or textArea
Migrate from v1
This guide will help you migrate your newsletters from v1 to v2.
Global IDs
Every id
are now global IDs, for example, @seed
directives now accept global IDs instead of numeric ids.
List of articles
To create a list of articles available in the edition interface, you must now use editionListBlock
API v1
{articlesArea(name: "area", limit: 1) {titleimage(width: 580, height: 387, aspectRatio: ratio_3x2) {urlaltwidthheight}}}
API v2
About feature image, in v2, you have to request URL and caption defined in the article and eventually fallback on the one defined in the image. If you need an aspect ratio, you can find the aspectRatioKey
in Sirius Aspect Ratios admin.
{editionListBlock(key: "area", softLimit: 1, accepts: [articles]) {iditems {id... on ArticleListItem {idarticle {titlefeatureImage {image {caption}captionurl(width: 580, height: 387, aspectRatioKey: "3:2")}}}}}}
ℹ️ Use
@listBlockOptions(warnIfUnpublished: false)
directive instead of@areaOptions(warnIfUnpublished: false)
to disable warning if an unpublished content is dropped in the list block
Publication based query
API v1
query Query($digitalPublicationId: Int! = 41) {digitalPublication(id: $digitalPublicationId) {datearticles {title}}}
API v2
query Query($editionId: ID! = "bG9jYWw6UHVibGljYXRpb246Mw==") {node(id: $editionId) {... on PeriodicalEdition {dateblocks {... on ListBlock {items {... on ArticleListItem {article {title}}}}}}}}
Text field in newsletter edition
To create a text field reachable on the edition panel, you must now use editionTextBlock
API v1
{summary: textArea(name: "summary")@placeholder(value: "Bienvenue sur la newsletter...")@label(value: "Résumé")@hint(value: "Entête de la newsletter")@textAreaOptions(multiline: true)}
API v2
{summary: editionTextBlock(key: "summary")@editionTextBlockOptions(label: "Résumé"placeholder: "Bienvenue sur la newsletter..."hint: "Entête de la newsletter"multiline: true)}
Select articles from a rubric
To create a list of articles available in the rubric edition interface. Now, you must use tag
API v1
{section(slug: "my-rubric") {articles(area:"area" limit: 6){idurltitlechapo#....}}
API v2
{tag(key: "my-rubric") {... on Rubric {idblock(key: "area") {... on ListBlock {items(limit: 6) {... on ArticleListItem {article {idinternalIdurltitlechapo#...}}}}}}}}
ℹ️ If you would like to query multiple rubrics, you can query
operator.rubrics(where: { key: { in: ["a-tag", "another-tag"] } }){...}
Select articles by its main and/or narrow rubric
To obtain a list of articles with a specific narrow or header rubric. Now you must use articles
API v1
{section(slug: "a-tag") {articles(limit: 16, header: true) {idtitleurlchapo}}}
API v2
ℹ️ Get rubric global id in admin panel
{articles(limit: 16, where: { mainTagId: { eq: "<A-Tag-Global-ID>" } }) {nodes {idinternalIdtitleurlchapo}}}
Alert based query
API v1
query AlertQuery($alertId: Int! = 123) {alert(id: $alertId) {idtitletextarticle {url}}}
API v2
query ArticleBroadcastQuery($articleBroadcastId: ID! = "bG9jYWw6QWxlcnQ6MTIz") {node(id: $alertId) {idinternalId... on ArticleBroadcast {titletextarticle {url}}}}
query Twipe & Forecast
Nothing changes other than there are under newsletter
API v2
{newsletter {forecast {forecastTopConversionArticles(limit: 8where: { since: "7d", free: false }) {id#...}forecastTopPageviewArticles(limit: 8, where: { publishedSince: "7d" }) {id# ...}}}}
Edit this page on GitHubquery NewsletterQuery($editionToken: String! = "X"$publicationDate: Date! = "2022-11-22") {newsletter {twipe {contentPackages(editionToken: $editionTokenpublicationDate: $publicationDate) {id# ...}}}}