Events and payloads
For each webhook event, you can review when the event occurs, an example payload, and descriptions about the payload object parameters.
Common properties
Each webhook event payload also contains properties unique to the event. You can find the unique properties in the individual event type sections.
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | Most webhook payloads contain an action property that contains the specific activity that triggered the event. |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
HTTP Webhook
When using HTTP Webhook, events are sent using HTTP "POST" method to the specified URL with the payload of the event as the body of the request.
The request is encoded in JSON and specify a Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
We consider the webhook as timed out after 10s.
Once your server is configured to receive payloads, it'll listen for any payload sent to the endpoint you configured. For security reasons, you probably want to limit requests to those coming from Sirius. For this purpose, Sirius allows you to set up a secret token and validate the information.
Delivery headers
HTTP POST payloads that are delivered to your webhook's configured URL endpoint will contain several special headers:
Header | Description |
X-Sirius-Event | Name of the event that triggered the delivery. |
X-Sirius-Event-ID | ID of the event that triggered the delivery. |
X-Sirius-Delivery-ID | ID of the delivery. |
X-Sirius-Status-ID | ID of the status (only if the app has declared an action for this event). |
X-Sirius-Signature-256 | Sirius signature (only if the app has declared a secret). |
Learn more about securing your webhooks.
> POST /payload HTTP/1.1> Host: localhost:4567> X-Sirius-Event: live> X-Sirius-Event-ID: ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQtbGVtb25kZTpFdmVudDozMDAy> X-Sirius-Delivery-ID: ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQtbGVtb25kZTpBcHBEZWxpdmVyeToxMjM4MA==> X-Sirius-Status-ID: ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQtbGVtb25kZTpTdGF0dXM6MjMwMQ==> X-sirius-Signature-256: sha256=AfyckdFQ6tx5VgqCTJnMEueub9W0v/Koci+oyD89E+4=> Content-Type: application/json> Content-Length: 6615> {> "action": "opened",> "live": {> "id": "...",> ...> },> "actor": {> "id": 1,> "email": "...",> ...> }> }
GCP Pub/Sub
When using GCP Pub/Sub, event are sent in a topic with a JSON payload.
Delivery payload
type DeliveryMessage = {deliveryId: string;statusId: string;eventId: string;event: { name: string; payload: object };};
{"deliveryId": "ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQtbGVtb25kZTpBcHBEZWxpdmVyeToxMjM4MA==","statusId": "ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQtbGVtb25kZTpTdGF0dXM6MjMwMQ==","eventId": "ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQtbGVtb25kZTpFdmVudDozMDAy","event": {"action": "opened","live": {"id": "..."// ...},"actor": {"id": "ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQtbGVtb25kZTpVc2VyOjIz","email": "..."// ...}}}
Differences between GCP Pub/Sub ACK and statuses
Acking the message in GCP Pub/Sub does not notify Sirius and will not update any status in Sirius. To notify Sirius that your application has acknownledge the event, it has to update the status.
Activity related to an Article. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created , prePublish , published or dispatched . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
article | object | The article object. |
asNewContent | boolean | Indicates if the article has been published as a new content (only for prePublish and published action). |
scheduled | boolean | Indicates if the article was published following a schedule (only for prePublish and published action). |
dispatcher | string | Key of the dispatcher (only for dispatched action). |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "created","article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjEyMDQ","url": null,"live": null,"name": "My title","slug": "/path/to/fake-url.html","tags": [{"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MTEx","key": "international","name": "International","__typename": "Rubric","internalId": 111},{"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MTEy","key": "france","name": "France","__typename": "Rubric","internalId": 112}],"chapo": "My chapo","state": "draft","title": "My title","blocks": [],"layout": {"id": "dGVzdDpMYXlvdXQ6MTQ2MQ","key": "basic","name": "Basic","internalId": 1461},"nbChar": 0,"deleted": false,"mainTag": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MTEx","key": "international","name": "International","__typename": "Rubric","internalId": 111},"teasers": [{"type": {"key": "enContinu"},"chapo": null,"title": "My short teaser title","featureImage": null},{"type": {"key": "une"},"chapo": "My chapo","title": "My homepage teaser title","featureImage": null},{"type": {"key": "rubrique"},"chapo": null,"title": "My title","featureImage": {"size": null,"image": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZTo4MjQ","url": "","credit": null,"caption": null,"internalId": 824},"caption": null,"position": null,"croppings": [],"defaultCropping": null}}],"services": [{"id": "dGVzdDpTZWN0aW9uOjM0","name": "Super service","internalId": 34}],"narrowTag": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MTEy","key": "france","name": "France","__typename": "Rubric","internalId": 112},"nbCharMax": 14,"published": false,"sourcings": [{"source": {"id": "dGVzdDpTb3VyY2U6MjM","key": "le-monde","name": "Le Monde","internalId": 23},"partners": [{"key": "ap","name": "AP"}]}],"internalId": 1204,"signatures": [{"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlQXV0aG9yOjE3","author": {"id": "dGVzdDpBdXRob3I6MzA","name": "James","avatar": null,"origin": "JO","initials": "J","internalId": 30},"origin": null,"internalId": 17},{"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlQXV0aG9yOjE4","author": {"id": "dGVzdDpBdXRob3I6MzE","name": "Fred","avatar": null,"origin": "FO","initials": "F","internalId": 31},"origin": "Custom origin","internalId": 18}],"freeAuthors": [],"pricingTier": {"id": "dGVzdDpQcmljaW5nVGllcjo2Ng","key": "premium","name": "Premium","internalId": 66},"publishedAt": null,"featureImage": {"size": null,"image": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZTo4MjQ","url": "","credit": null,"caption": null,"internalId": 824},"caption": null,"position": null,"croppings": [],"defaultCropping": null},"layoutFormat": "standard","previousUrls": [],"editorialType": {"id": "dGVzdDpFZGl0b3JpYWxUeXBlOjEzNjE","key": "factual","name": "Factual","internalId": 1361},"editorialLevel": 2,"readingDuration": "P0D","eligibleForAudio": false,"firstPublishedAt": null,"prePublishVersion": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlUmV2aXNpb246OTY","internalId": 96},"legacyCustomFields": {"tweet": null,"video": {"id": "dGVzdDpWaWRlbzoxMQ","url": "","title": "Udasap poccoze ha geke ijo giwozo zasujze ki dic ufkus vatehij somrufmec la.","width": null,"credit": "Norman Lamb","height": null,"duration": null,"provider": "digiteka","internalId": 11,"description": "Bukdoj votatli zurpiz geigto ebgomen fe imeco tenjekeb owo getvowbig ewfad ah kanur zupugeh oj lilad sa wodeduk.","providerVideoId": "1000045563945292"},"hidden": false,"snippet": null,"archives": null,"seoTitle": null,"portfolio": null,"coverMedia": null,"shortTitle": "My short teaser title","rubricTitle": "My title","allowComments": null,"homepageTitle": "My homepage teaser title","scribbleLiveId": null,"seoDescription": null,"homepageSubhead": "My homepage teaser subhead","forceShowInThread": false,"scribbleLiveTitle": null},"textToSpeechEnabled": true}}
Activity related to an Article branch. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of published . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
articleBranch | object | The article branch object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "published","articleBranch": {"chapo": "My chapo","title": "My title","blocks": [],"article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjI4NjQ","url": null,"name": "My title","tags": [{"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MzkyMzY","key": "international","name": "International","internalId": 39236},{"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MzkyMzc","key": "france","name": "France","internalId": 39237}],"chapo": "My chapo","state": "draft","title": "My title","blocks": [],"layout": {"id": "dGVzdDpMYXlvdXQ6MjkzNw","key": "basic","name": "Basic","internalId": 2937},"nbChar": 0,"mainTag": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MzkyMzY","key": "international","name": "International","internalId": 39236},"services": [{"id": "dGVzdDpTZWN0aW9uOjc0","name": "Super service","internalId": 74}],"narrowTag": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MzkyMzc","key": "france","name": "France","internalId": 39237},"nbCharMax": 4287,"published": false,"sourcings": [{"source": {"id": "dGVzdDpTb3VyY2U6NTM","key": "le-monde","name": "Le Monde","internalId": 53},"partners": [{"key": "ap","name": "AP"}]}],"internalId": 2864,"signatures": [{"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlQXV0aG9yOjQ2","author": {"id": "dGVzdDpBdXRob3I6NDM","name": "James","avatar": null,"origin": "JO","initials": "J","internalId": 43},"origin": null,"internalId": 46},{"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlQXV0aG9yOjQ3","author": {"id": "dGVzdDpBdXRob3I6NDQ","name": "Fred","avatar": null,"origin": "FO","initials": "F","internalId": 44},"origin": "Custom origin","internalId": 47}],"pricingTier": {"id": "dGVzdDpQcmljaW5nVGllcjoyOA","key": "premium","name": "Premium","internalId": 28},"publishedAt": null,"featureImage": {"image": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZTo4NQ","url": "","internalId": 85},"croppings": []},"editorialType": {"id": "dGVzdDpFZGl0b3JpYWxUeXBlOjIyMjg","key": "factual","name": "Factual","internalId": 2228},"editorialLevel": 2,"firstPublishedAt": null},"periodical": {"id": "dGVzdDpQZXJpb2RpY2FsOjI4NjU","name": "Quotidien","path": "Quotidien","internalId": 2865},"featureImage": {"image": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZTo4NQ","url": "","internalId": 85},"croppings": []},"periodicalRelease": null,"periodicalSection": {"id": "dGVzdDpQZXJpb2RpY2FsU2VjdGlvbjozMA","name": "Culture","path": "Culture","internalId": 30},"periodicalEditionDate": null,"periodicalSectionLayout": {"id": "dGVzdDpQZXJpb2RpY2FsU2VjdGlvbkxheW91dDoyOQ","name": "Cover","path": "Cover","internalId": 29}},"parentEventId": 25}
Activity related to an Article Broadcast. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of prePublish , published . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
articleBranch | object | The article branch object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "published","parentEventId": 59,"articleBroadcast": {"id": "dGVzdDpBbGVydDoyMw","text": "Genehras liog luudu kuhiwazo sebavuuke hevje atiiginot emton mog satfas hidodrik epfedvel gopiwvok cefeji feheb.","title": "Zi tub sohka tu ontutru.","article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjExNDE","internalId": 1141},"internalId": 23}}
Activity related to a generated text to speech. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of completed . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
audio | object | The audio object. |
articleVersion | object | The articleVersion object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "completed","articleSpeech": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlU3BlZWNoOjM0","audio": {"id": "dGVzdDpBdWRpbzozNQ","url": "","name": "my mp3 file","duration": "PT2M17S","internalId": 35},"internalId": 34,"articleVersion": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlUmV2aXNpb246MTc0","date": "2022-07-20T14:45:31.035Z","article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjcyNw","internalId": 727},"internalId": 174}}}
Activity related to an Article task. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created , updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
articleTask | object | The article task object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "created","articleTask": {"id": "dGVzdDpNZXNzYWdlOjI","status": "pending","article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjI","title": "Mon article","layout": {"id": "dGVzdDpMYXlvdXQ6Mg","name": "xrw6$4G]","internalId": 2},"internalId": 2,"editorialType": {"id": "dGVzdDpFZGl0b3JpYWxUeXBlOjI","name": "Lilly Cummings","internalId": 2},"workflowState": {"id": "dGVzdDpXb3JrZmxvd1N0YXRlOjQ","name": "viapus","internalId": 4}},"creator": {"id": "dGVzdDpVc2VyOjc","email": "","internalId": 7},"assignee": {"id": "dGVzdDpVc2VyOjg","email": "","internalId": 8},"priority": "default","__typename": "UserArticleTask","internalId": 2}}
Activity related to an Author. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
author | object | The author object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "created","author": {"id": "dGVzdDpBdXRob3I6MjE2","name": "James Bond","avatar": null,"origin": "Spy","enabled": true,"initials": "JB","verified": true,"internalId": 216}}
Activity related to a Block. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can only be published . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
blog | object | The blog object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"block": {"id": "dGVzdDpTdGFnaW5nQXJlYToyMzg","type": "list","items": [{"id": "dGVzdDpTdGFnaW5nQXJlYUNvbnRlbnQ6MTk2","tag": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MjI4","__typename": "Rubric","internalId": 228},"__typename": "TagListItem","internalId": 196},{"id": "dGVzdDpTdGFnaW5nQXJlYUNvbnRlbnQ6MTk3","pinned": true,"article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjExMzE","internalId": 1131},"siblings": {"nodes": []},"__typename": "ArticleListItem","internalId": 197}],"listType": {"id": "dGVzdDpTdGFnaW5nQXJlYVR5cGU6MTI","key": "zone","name": "Zone","internalId": 12},"container": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MjI3","__typename": "Rubric","internalId": 227},"internalId": 238},"action": "published"}
Activity related to a Blog. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
blog | object | The blog object. |
Event Example
{"blog": {"id": "dGVzdDpCbG9nOjU","key": "my-blog","name": "This is a blog","custom": {"imageId": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZToyODQ","url": "","internalId": 284},"description": ["This a blog description"]},"parent": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MTMy","key": "my-tag","name": "This is a tag","internalId": 132},"internalId": 5},"actor": null,"action": "updated"}
Activity related to a LiveInput of type contribution
. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
liveInput | object | The liveInput object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "created","liveInput": {"id": "dGVzdDpMaXZlSW5wdXQ6Nw","live": {"id": "dGVzdDpMaXZlOjY","internalId": 6},"__typename": "ContributionLiveInput","internalId": 7,"contribution": {"id": "dGVzdDpDb250cmlidXRpb246Ng","date": "2092-06-04T08:44:14.984Z","text": "Vuvuc vad neze piegepa hod uwce mo kikiw atoom harofem iclu lebvepi pun bati fo ulevulit fiwu cukile.","authorName": "Ollie McGee","internalId": 6,"authorEmail": ""}}}
custom content type
Activity related to a Content type. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
[key] | object | The content type object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "updated","contentProductBrand": {"id": "dGVzdDpDdXN0b21UeXBlQ29udGVudDoxNzM","label": "zu","fields": {"url": null,"image": null,"commentaires": "A comment"},"enabled": true,"internalId": 173}}
Activity related to an Editorial Type. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
editorialType | object | The editorialType object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "updated","editorialType": {"id": "dGVzdDpFZGl0b3JpYWxUeXBlOjg5MA","key": "zilufozm","name": "Verna Chambers","enabled": true,"internalId": 890}}
Activity related to a FtpImportItem. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of completed . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
ftpImportItem | object | The ftpImportItem object. |
Event Example
{"actor": {"id": "dGVzdDpVc2VyOjM5NTM","email": ""},"action": "completed","ftpImportItem": {"id": "dGVzdDpGdHBJbXBvcnRJdGVtOjIwOA","news": {"id": "dGVzdDpOZXdzOjUx","date": "2124-05-27T00:00:00.000Z","html": "Tog fuhak ir cipufawuc gezuztar wusluhzo defi voavzup ekeoco di hulo woosawos ruze agha evpogves zo fobremfad. Enirooli vo gecteot nep jobzup rejaf pe pewtarum ace nis wusoj com. Zuap if iwi hokahug lup ajga hotfuncud omahsa zavefi lonwe jodji rim vucucaid najaham nim fi.","title": "Sajim be vekelwo vogpe fecpoero inifife vidfodtuf uzse vuufvif vanome tij uc zogiuwa log henredud ze vipej erju.","priority": "ALERT","provider": {"name": "reuters"}},"__typename": "NewsFtpImportItem","internalId": 208}}
Activity related to a Live. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created , opened or closed . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
live | object | The live object. |
Event Example
{"live": {"id": "dGVzdDpMaXZlOjEzNA==","closed": true,"locked": false,"internalId": 134},"actor": null,"action": "closed"}
Activity related to a Newsletter. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of sent . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
newsletter | object | The newsletter object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "sent","newsletter": {"id": "dGVzdDpOZXdzbGV0dGVyOjEw","name": "Super newsletter","internalId": 10}}
Activity related to a Newsletter Edition. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of scheduled , unscheduled orpublished . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
newsletterEdition | object | The newsletterEdition object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "scheduled","newsletterEdition": {"id": "dGVzdDpQdWJsaWNhdGlvbjozNQ","date": "2021-06-01","internalId": 35,"newsletter": {"id": "dGVzdDpOZXdzbGV0dGVyOjIz","name": "Super newsletter","internalId": 23},"scheduledAt": "2021-10-13T14:30:00.000Z"}}
Activity related to a Periodical Edition. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of published . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
periodicalEdition | object | The periodicalEdition object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "published","periodicalEdition": {"id": "dGVzdDpQdWJsaWNhdGlvbjozOQ","date": "2021-04-18","blocks": [{"id": "dGVzdDpTdGFnaW5nQXJlYToxMTkyNA","name": "Rock Reggae","items": [{"id": "dGVzdDpTdGFnaW5nQXJlYUNvbnRlbnQ6Njc","article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjM4NQ","title": "Mon super article","internalId": 385},"__typename": "ArticleListItem"}],"listType": {"id": "dGVzdDpTdGFnaW5nQXJlYVR5cGU6NDE","key": "zone","name": "mo","internalId": 41},"__typename": "ListBlock","internalId": 11924}],"internalId": 39,"periodical": {"id": "dGVzdDpQZXJpb2RpY2FsOjQ4NA","name": "Réveil Courrier","path": "reveil-courrier","internalId": 484}}}
Activity related to a Periodical Release. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
periodicalRelease | object | The periodicalRelease object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "updated","periodicalRelease": {"id": "dGVzdDpQZXJpb2RpY2FsUmVsZWFzZTozMw==","name": "Bilan du Monde - 2020-01-20","path": "2020-01-20","custom": {"periodicalReleaseImage": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZToyMg==","url": "","internalId": 22}},"enabled": true,"sections": [],"internalId": 33,"releaseDate": "2020-01-20"}}
Activity related to a Post. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of published . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
post | object | The post object. |
Event Example
{"post": {"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0OjEyMg","flag": {"id": "dGVzdDpGbGFnOjUx","key": "i6r&0S19","name": "bihvatke","color": "#974f13","internalId": 51},"live": {"id": "dGVzdDpMaXZlOjUw","internalId": 50},"title": "This is a post","blocks": [{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTozOTM","html": "Hello","type": "text","textType": "paragraph","internalId": 393},{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTozOTQ","url": "","type": "link","title": "Super article","prefix": "En savoir plus","article": {"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjg3Mg","title": "Super article","internalId": 872},"internalId": 394},{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTozOTU","type": "contribution","internalId": 395,"contribution": {"id": "dGVzdDpDb250cmlidXRpb246NTA","date": "2024-02-28T22:54:07.756Z","text": "Turpajo fumvukno jefuga sujpifsu reul esobori zevvokzem gif kuc ser pozefaw jok puta pepijizi wohes.","authorName": "Mildred Stanley","internalId": 50,"authorEmail": ""}},{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTozOTY","url": "","type": "link","internalId": 396},{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTozOTc","url": "","type": "link","video": {"id": "dGVzdDpWaWRlbzo1MA","title": "Tipbu ke ponedfot sikehwa jitjop ij udacisa dipzowba uwiol delo mofi nufmov.","width": 100,"height": 100,"duration": null,"provider": "dailymotion","internalId": 50,"description": "Tif feheh eju ke beme sumejmov ivwe ebegoz gecfomo feh vidu lekjub kodri so remav jakilude."},"internalId": 397},{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTozOTg","type": "snippet","snippet": {"id": "dGVzdDpTbmlwcGV0OjUw","html": "<html><h1>Some HTML Code ! </h1></html>","name": "li","internalId": 50},"internalId": 398},{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTozOTk","type": "image","imageView": {"image": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZTozNTM","url": "","credit": "Some credit","caption": "Some caption","internalId": 353},"caption": "Une description personnalisée","croppings": []},"internalId": 399},{"id": "dGVzdDpQb3N0Tm9kZTo0MDA","type": "content","content": {"id": "dGVzdDpDdXN0b21UeXBlQ29udGVudDoy","label": "kobonzi","__typename": "ContentZihroobe","internalId": 2},"internalId": 400}],"deleted": false,"internalId": 122,"signatures": [{"author": {"id": "dGVzdDpBdXRob3I6NTA","name": "John Blair","avatar": null,"initials": "Gertrude Riley","internalId": 50},"origin": "sujo"}],"scheduledAt": null,"firstPublishedAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"actor": null,"action": "published"}
Activity related to a Tag. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
rubric | object | The rubric object. |
Event Example
{"actor": null,"action": "updated","rubric": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWc6MTY3OA","key": "my-tag","main": true,"name": "This is a tag","custom": {"awesomeImg": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZTo1MjA","url": "","internalId": 520},"highlights": [{"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjM2Ng","url": null,"internalId": 366},{"id": "dGVzdDpBcnRpY2xlOjM2Nw","url": null,"internalId": 367}]},"parent": null,"enabled": true,"homepage": false,"__typename": "SeasonTag","internalId": 1678,"activeTemplate": {"id": "dGVzdDpUYWdUZW1wbGF0ZToyNDA","key": "default","internalId": 240}}}
Activity related to a Snippet. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
snippet | object | The snippet object. |
Event Example
{"actor": {"id": "dGVzdDpVc2VyOjY4NQ==","email": ""},"action": "updated","snippet": {"id": "dGVzdDpTbmlwcGV0OjE3","html": "<h1>My beautiful snippet</h1>","name": "My beautiful snippet","internalId": 17}}
Activity related to a Source. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object.
Event Payload
Key | Type | Description |
action | string | The action that was performed. Can be one of created or updated . |
actor | object | The user that triggered the event. |
source | object | The source object. |
Event Example
Edit this page on GitHub{"actor": {"id": "dGVzdDpVc2VyOjY3Ng==","email": ""},"action": "updated","source": {"id": "dGVzdDpTb3VyY2U6MTM1","key": "lemonde","name": "Le Monde","custom": {"sourceImage": {"id": "dGVzdDpJbWFnZTozMjI=","url": "","internalId": 322}},"partners": [{"key": "afp","name": "AFP"}],"internalId": 135}}